
Junior Year

My thoughts on the worst school year, probably ever

First off, just wanted to say that this is probably the last entry on here. I don't enjoy the feel/look of the website and really only did it for practice. I'll probably start creating a new one this summer, but I'll keep this one around just for funsies and misc entries I guess.
As for the topic of my last entry, well what could be more fitting than my junior year coming to a close? I've finished all my AP exams, and am exempted from my finals (thankfully). This school year was insane, from the pandemic to the hurricanes, to the freeze and power outages. I think saying I'm exhausted would be an understatement. It probably had something to do with taking school online. Which brings me to my next point: questioning my career...
I definitely enjoy computer science. Programming and coding was always really appealing to me ever since I started learning it in school. But after taking school online for a whole year, I'm not sure how well I can handle sitting at a desk in front of a screen all day. Maybe I wouldn't find it so bad if I was with people and not isolated? And I was doing something I liked instead of classes. But I can't help but feel conflicted. I got placed in Anatomy because of a schedule error and liked it, which made me consider medical. I also did a Science Fair project on electrical engineering which made me consider that or robotics.
College apps are coming up and I'm feeling an increasing pressure to figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life. The answer: everything?? I don't want to miss out on anything or end up with a nagging feeling of regret.
Also, finals. I was planning on forcing myself to take them to boost my GPA, but I made the choice not to. This is really the first time since I started high school where I put my mental health first, and I think it's a valid decision because I'm honestly not in the best place when it comes to that right now; plus I figured even if I did take them, I'd be too exhausted and burnt out to do well enough to make a difference..
Even still, I feel really guilty since it's my junior year. I'm not sure if I should be trying harder. Either way, since I'm going to college, I need to learn how to prioritize my mental stability since it's probably going to get thrown for a loop there as well.
Anyways, enough edgy stuff. The worst is over. I'm heading back to school senior year, and I have the whole summer ahead of me to relax and get everything under control. I can't wait to see my friends in person, and I have a lot of exciting things planned this summer, including... a new website! With actual stuff. So goodbye to this one! And goodbye to clear connections!!! :D