
Happy entry


I've been putting in a lot of entries lately so that I can see how the grid looks with more additions. Anyways, I did hackerrank challenges on mathematics today.
Originally I thought I was going to fail because my math skills aren't great (TAKE THAT OUT WHEN APPLYING FOR COLLEGE we don't want them knowing I'm a dummy). The first problem was something like calculating the number of handshakes in a group given a certain integer that meant the group of people. I got freaked out when I saw this problem, but then I pulled out a whiteboard and tried figuring it out on paper by drawing stuff and lines to mean handshakes(wow 10/10 explanation), and I found a pattern. I sort of worked this pattern into my algorithm and it worked!! I used the same strategy to finish a few more and I was over the moon. Every question was the same, I got intimidated, drew it out, saw a pattern, solved the problem, ego +10pts.
It sounds stupid in retrospect lol, finishing some of the most BASIC, bottom- level math questions after learning java for like months and getting super excited about it. Oh well. I'm gonna go do some more gbye