
A bit about this website

Stuff no one asked for

Ok, my last entry was pretty much a joke because I needed kind of a draft entry to test out all the website animations on. But now that I'm finally finished with all the fine tuning and stuff, I might as well start to post actual...well, you know. Stuff.
This is mostly just another test entry just to see how the grid works and all.
But I'm going to write some more about life just to see how the formatting is. If you're reading this, hi! Thank you for being interested enough in my life to read the second entry in a blog I made. My name is Sahana, and I'm interested in CS if you couldn't already tell.
I'm not too good yet, but I learned HTML and CSS on my own over the summer on FreeCodeCamp. I built this website from scratch because I wanted to show off; I didn't realize I just had a massive ego and that it would actually take forever, but it was totally worth it just to see the whole thing come together!
Note to self though, I need to stop being a perfectionist. I literally spent like an entire month trying to get the fade animations on the entry juuust right. And, to be honest, I still don't like the formatting of the entries. The color scheme is a bit bland, might change that sometime!